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Computer Simulations


n-body simulationN-body simulation (Planetary System Formation 2)

N-body simulation of 400 objects falling to each other and forming planetary system. Objects parameters are close to those of Solar system planets.


pluto-charon orbit simulationPluto-Charon Orbit

Pluto-Charon orbit simulation. Video shows the dwarf planet Pluto and its moon Charon orbiting their barycenter as a binary system.


planetary system formationPlanetary System Formation

Simulation of planetary system formation. 200 bodies collapse to each other and merged to create two bigger bodies.


close to accretion orbitClose to Accretion Orbit

Close to accretion simulation of a complex body (particles) which collapse while orbiting heavier body.


momentum conservation simulationMomentum Conservation

Computer simulation showing conservation of linear momentum. Five perfectly elastic balls strike each other.


gravitational eaterGravitational Eater

Computer simulation of a heavy body "eating" many light bodies by gravitational forces. The light bodies fall into the heavy one.


gravitational collapseGravitational Collapse

Computer simulation of 100 bodies collapse due to the influence of their own gravity.


gravity gate simulationGravity Gate

Computer simulation of a gravity "gate".


3-body orbit simulationInfinite Orbit

Computer simulation of a body orbiting other two bodies in infinite form orbit.


binary orbit simulationBinary Orbit

Computer simulation of a binary orbit. Two bodies orbiting common barycenter.


3-body orbit simulationSymmetric 3-body orbit

Computer simulation of a 3-body symmetric orbit. Three bodies orbiting common barycenter and finally collapse.


symmetric 4-body orbit simulationSymmetric 4-body orbit

Computer simulation of a 4-body symmetric orbit. Four bodies orbiting common barycenter and finally collapse.


symmetric 8-body orbit simulationSymmetric 8-body orbit

Computer simulation of a 8-body symmetric orbit. Eight bodies orbiting common barycenter and finally collapse.


symmetric N-body orbit simulationSymmetric 12-body orbit

Computer simulation of a N-body symmetric orbit. Twelve bodies orbiting common barycenter and finally collapse.


symmetric 13-body orbit simulationSymmetric 13-body orbit

Computer simulation of a 13-body symmetric orbit. Thirteen bodies orbiting common barycenter and finally collapse.


You can send me your ideas for further simulations at:



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