Startrails with Enfuse

At the time of writing this page I coudn't find much information about creating a startrails image with Enfuse. Thus I start playing with some command line parameters and I described what I observed as it could be helpful to others.

The parameters I've played are:

--entropy-weight (everything different from 0 is very slow)
--soft-mask --hard-mask (more noise with hard-mask)

Finally I finished with the following command executed in the directory contaning jpeg input images:

enfuse --levels=1 --exposure-weight=1 --saturation-weight=0.01 --contrast-weight=1 --entropy-weight=0 --exposure-optimum=0.6 --exposure-width=0.2 --soft-mask -o ../out.jpg ./*

The result. The bottom part is added over the stacked with Enfuse images. (click for full size)


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